It's no secret that small dogs have a faster metabolism than large dogs of a larger breed. That is why dogs of decorative breeds need to eat more often.
Usually, Biewer puppies up to 3 months old eat 4-5 times a day. After the puppy reaches the age of 3 months, you can slowly switch to three meals a day.
For puppies with a low weight, the addition of canned meat or boiled meat can also be used. Do not feed your puppy with fatty meat. It is more suitable for puppies to eat turkey, veal or beef.
When the active growth phase of the puppy ends (this happens by the age of 7-9 months), you can switch to eating only dry food.
The feeding plan for an adult Biewer can be either two or three times a day. It all depends on what kind of appetite the dog has and what lifestyle it leads. If there is only one dog in the house, you can use the method of free access to food. One dog has no competitors, no one will eat their food. So, during the day he/she will eat whenever they want to.
This feeding schedule is not suitable for “dogs focused on food” who can`t hold food onto for a while. They can eat the daily allowance of food in a single meal and then be left without food for the rest of the day. Such “hastily eaten” food will not be properly digested and will not bring any benefits.
Therefore, if the owner is at work during the whole day and doesn`t have a chance to feed his beloved puppy or adult “glutton” at the right time, he can purchase an automatic feeder. It works according to the program pre-set by the owner. It gives out the right amount of food at the proper time. So, the dog will be well fed and the owner will be calm for his pet. There is a wide range of auto feeders on the market today. Some are designed for one feeding. There are those devices which during the day will give the right amount of food to your puppy or adult dog at a pre-programmed time. Then you will be sure that your pet is not hungry when you are not at home.
We have often heard funny stories from the owners of our dogs. Some dogs don't pay attention to their auto-feeders and come to eat only when they hear the sound of the feeder opening. While others, extremely impatient pets, sometimes “talk and fight” with their feeders, waiting for their cherished daytime feeding.
In both cases, the owner may not worry, each dog reacts differently to things that are located in their owner`s house. The main thing is that the pet is well fed and healthy. Because we get the maximum of pleasure from our treasures when they are happy and healthy.
We are always ready to communicate and share our experience with the o Owners of our pets for the sake of our graduates` happy and longest life together with their beloved owners.